Tag Archives: anxiety

Could hypnotherapy help students of Leicester & Loughborough at exam time?
This entry was posted in Anxiety, Counselling, exam stress, Hypnotherapy and tagged anxiety, Exam nerves, exam stress, Hypnotherapy, performance enhancement on .
Today’s education system asserts an immense amount of pressure on students. Terms like exam nerves or exam stress, that were never heard in the past, have become common today. There has been an ever-increasing expectation from students to perform better. Some students study for the whole year, but at exam time they tend to freeze. […]
Common Symptoms of Anxiety
This entry was posted in Hypnotherapy and tagged anxiety, Hypnotherapy on .
Anxiety is one of the most common reason I see clients in my practice, and it is important to remember that anxiety itself is a normal human emotion. Anxiety is what we all experience when faced with a stressful or dangerous situation, it is often referred to as our ‘flight or fight response’. Anxiety only […]